If you want to stay up to date on Sylpheed, and want to talk about the program with other users, you can join the mailing list.
Send a mail to sylpheed-ctl@good-day.net that says
subscribe Your Name
in the body.
The server returns the mail once for the first registration request that asks the confirmation: "May I put you on this mailing list?" that includes the following phrase (this number is merely an example).
confirm 84682771 Anne Shirley
This is a precaution for mischief like subscribing you to the list against your wish.
If you received the entry confirmation mail, send a mail that includes the phrase:
confirm Password(a number) Your Name
to the address for registration: sylpheed-ctl@good-day.net again. Then, it is considered that you have confirmed the registration and you are registered to the server.
The address for posting to the list is sylpheed@good-day.net.
Notice: If you lost the mail that says
confirm Password(a number) Your Name
or you became confused and want to do from start, do them over from the start, in other words, send
subscribe Anne Shirley
to sylpheed-ctl@good-day.net again.
Send a mail to sylpheed-ctl@good-day.net that says
in the body.